At Rowan Gate Primary School, we are whole heartedly committed to providing a safe and happy environment for your child to learn in.
We consider safeguarding our absolute priority and seek to follow the Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (NSCP) procedures rigorously. These procedures can be found here.
We adhere closely to the guidance detailed in Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) a copy of which can be found here. KCSIE is updated annually and our safeguarding policy is adjusted accordingly.
Staff and governors receive online safeguarding training on appointment. This is refreshed annually through the National College and supplemented with face to face and Teams training throughout the academic year.
As part of the school provision, we can support with Early Help, welfare calls and liaison with other professionals involved in your child’s development. Please do not hesitate in contacting our Family Support Workers if we can help you.
You can read more about Early Help here and here.
Family Support Workers
Our Family Support Workers are:
- Judith Kirby- Wellingborough area
- Sarah Moore- Rushden area.
Further Safeguarding information
All staff have a responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people. If you have a concern, please contact one of the above DSLs. We will always act if we are concerned about the welfare of a child or young person. We are obliged to share information with other relevant agencies. Information is held in school in line with GDPR.
Local Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Contact Number 0300 126 3000
A designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) deputy DSL or additional DSL is a person with training in what to do if concerns are raised about a child. The Designated safeguarding leads at Rowan Gate Primary School are:
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Nicole Lawson
Head of Provision for Rowan Gate Wellingborough (RGW)
07960 611730/01933 304970
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Sue Morris
Head of Provision for Rowan Gate East (RGE)
07415 747481/01933 351200
Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead
Nia Partridge
Assistant Head at Rowan Gate Wellingborough
01933 304970
If your own DSL/DDSL is not on site/not contactable then please ensure that you persist and make contact with one of the other DDSL’s to share your concern.
If concerns are raised about your child, we will always seek to discuss this with you whenever possible. Although these conversations can feel challenging for both parties at times, you can be assured of our sensitivity, kindness and honesty. We have the best interests of every child at the heart of all decision making.
If concerns remain, we will contact the local Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) to seek further advice.
Further sources of information and support can be found here.
If you have any concerns about your child, please do not hesitate in contacting the school to discuss.