In order to ensure that learning is continued, in the event of a school closure for more than 24 hours and self-isolation, Rowan Gate Primary School has developed the following plan. This plan offers remote learning opportunities whilst also acknowledging that some households have limited access to devices and would require hard-copies of work and resources. This plan may apply following an infectious disease outbreak; learners are self-isolating at home but are not suffering with relevant symptoms. Remote learning may also be appropriate in situations when learners, in agreement with the school, have a period of absence but are able to work at home, at least to some extent. This gives every student the opportunity to continue with education during this time.
This plan will be applied in the following scenarios:
1. An individual is self-isolating within the household or have a period of absence, but are able to work at home.
2. A class/ group of classes (bubble) is closed following an infectious disease outbreak.
3. The school has closed.
The plan complies with the expectations and principles outlined in the DFE (Department for Education) document Guidance for Full Opening of Schools.