The Rowan Gate Primary School Curriculum:
A Passport to Learning
Thematic-linked together learning through vibrant and engaging termly topics.
Relevant-adapted to the needs of each unique individual pupil.
Aspirational-encouraging all pupils to achieve their true potential.
Varied-activities and opportunities encouraging depth and breadth of knowledge.
Engaging-personalised curriculum enabling success and building positive self-esteem
Learning-based on pedagogical reconciliation and innovation.
As our pupils travel through our school, we endeavour to equip them with the skills they need for life, providing them with an engaging, creative and flexible curriculum that accommodates their ever-changing needs. We believe that our thematic approach provides a variety of contexts for pupils to develop and consolidate their skills, whilst ensuring there are opportunities for enquiry and independent investigation and learning. Our ‘5 keys-Roots to Growth’ is our framework for learning and improvement and underpins our curriculum.
We celebrate our children’s learning journey through school in these 5 key areas in our weekly ‘Good Work Assemblies’ and Termly ‘5 keys assemblies’
Imray 2010:
“…it is not the responsibility of the child to change to meet the demands of the curriculum; it is the responsibility of those writing the curriculum to ensure that it is flexible enough and adaptable enough to meet the needs of each child.”
Our broad curriculum is designed to allow all pupils to be taught through an individualised and flexible approach. It is a skills-based curriculum in which children can continuously build upon their knowledge and understanding, consolidating their learning and acquiring new skills as they travel through the school. Some pupils may travel in a vertical direction, others may gain breadth and take smaller steps. Children’s learning is continually planned and assessed so there is always the potential for progress in whichever direction is appropriate.
The National Curriculum and Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum form the base of the whole school curriculum. Our youngest Nursery and Reception pupils follow the EYFS curriculum as they move into KS1, the curriculum builds upon the Early Years approach with thematic learning at the heart of the children’s learning, but with Maths & English introduced as discrete subjects. As our children move into LKS2 there are 2 pathways available; children follow either KS2 Semi-Formal Curriculum, or the Pre-Formal curriculum, depending on their developmental levels. The KS2 Semi-Formal Curriculum, builds upon the KS1 approach, but with Science introduced as a discrete subject alongside English & Maths. The Pre-Formal Curriculum provides individualised learning for pupils, based upon their EHCP outcomes. As children travel in to UKS2 an additional route is made available for those pupils working at more advanced developmental levels, this is our Formal Curriculum.
All Curriculums include RE and PSHE/RSE and P.E subjects
In all curriculums and in all subject areas’ teachers access our ‘Development of Skills’ documents to support their planning and differentiation, ensuring that pupils learning is targeted at their own individual developmental levels.
The amount of time spent on National Curriculum subjects will depend on the needs of individuals and class groups.
Our broad and flexible curriculum has been created to enable all children to make progress whichever route they travel along.
At Rowan Gate we have a variety of curriculum routes for our children in order that all abilities and needs are accommodated:
- EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage): children follow a thematic curriculum through which they access the 7 key areas of learning.
- KS1 (Key Stage 1): children follow a semi-formal thematic curriculum, with English and Maths introduced as discrete subjects.
- KS2 (Key Stage 2): children follow a semi-formal thematic curriculum, with English, Maths and Science taught as discrete subjects.
- UKS2 (Upper Key Stage 2): some children follow a formal curriculum in which all subjects are taught discretely.
- KS2 Pre-formal Curriculum: children follow a pre-formal thematic curriculum; the child is at the centre of this curriculum determined by their specific and individual needs.
Each Curriculum has a ‘Long Term Curriculum Map’’ in which Topic Themes are outlined, alongside Core Subject areas.
EYFS Curriculum Map
KS1 Curriculum Map link
KS2: Pre-Formal Curriculum Map
KS2: Semi-Formal Curriculum Map
KS2: Formal Curriculum Map link
All KS1 and KS2 learners follow specific Maths and English planning guidance including phonics, handwriting and reading programs.
All pupils participate in daily ‘Key Skills’ sessions, these are intensive individualised teaching sessions which focus on developing confidence and skill in key areas.
All pupils participate in a weekly Wellbeing afternoon, based on the 10 Keys to Happier Living program.
“The 10 Keys to Happier living is a scientifically backed set of actions which can help to improve levels of happiness. The actions can be used at any level and are the same for our pupils and staff.
The wellbeing afternoon session is an opportunity to teach children tools they can use to ensure they grow in emotional resilience and happiness during their time at Rowan Gate. More information about the 10 keys to happier living and the practical actions can be found on the website”
PSHE/PSED (Personal, Health, Social Education) / (Personal, Social & Emotional Development) is a valued area of our curriculum, we link this closely to our own 5 keys, British Values and 10 keys to Happier Living. From 2019, the RSE (Relationship & Sex Education.) strand has been incorporated throughout this curriculum area.
Healthy lifestyles
All pupils access 2 weekly PE sessions one of which is led by a Sports Coach.
EYFS and KS1 children participate in swimming in our hydrotherapy pool on the Wellingborough site or in the Splash Pool for pupils at RGE
UKS2 children participate in swimming lessons at their local swimming pool.
We enrich our children’s experiences through the provision of additional lunchtime and after school activities such as Football, Tennis, Boccia, Hockey, Speed stacking and Basketball.
Active 30 – All pupils are encouraged to participate in an additional 30 minutes of exercise through 5 a day session which are active lesson starters in English and Maths and active play times.
All classes participate in ‘The Daily Mile’ which is a social physical activity, with children walking, running or jogging – at their own pace – in the fresh air with friends. We aim for 15 minutes 3 X weekly.
Therapist Involvement
Many pupils have programmes set by Therapists. These programmes may be addressed through timetabled sessions such as Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy. The children involved may be withdrawn from class to use Sensory circuits, or the activities from the programme may be incorporated into the teaching session, for example, work on developing language during snack time. The therapists work with school staff to train them so they can carry out programmes regularly: they then review the programmes and set new targets when required.
Therapies include: Speech and Language Therapy, Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy, Music Therapy, Play Therapy and Sunshine Circles, Drawing & Talking and Thrive
Acts of worship
We gather together in daily acts of worship as a whole school or sometimes as class groups.
This is monitored throughout the year through Work Scrutiny in Maths, English, Science and the Thematic Curriculum.
All subjects are led by one of our Middle Leaders; they ensure that they have
- Observed their subject area being taught across the school
- Monitored teachers planning in Terms 1,3 and 5
- Conducted book scrutiny to ensure that planning and teaching are working together effectively.
- Created an Action Plan to ensure subject development
- Knowledge of subject data to inform of pupil progress
- Updated the subject Policy
- Offered support to teachers
- Provided appropriate resources
- Provided an overview annually to the governors
At Rowan Gate we use both Summative and Formative Assessment.
The Rowan Gate assessment tool is used to assess pupils’ progress and development regularly throughout the year (3 times – end of term 1, end of term 3 and end of term 5). This enables a continuous cycle of ‘assess, evaluate, plan, do and review’ to take place, which enables the pupils’ achievements and progress to be measured over time.
The assessment tool supports teachers’ planning – they get information about where their pupils are in their developmental path and in what direction they need to move.
All KS1 and KS2 pupils are assessed using Rowan Gate assessment tool (Step 1 – 19).
If pupils work within Steps 1-6, teachers use The Areas of Engagement tool to record pupils’ achievements.
In subject areas we use linear measuring system to show the progress (encounter, engage, secure, mastered); in the Area of Engagement – we measure their fluency and ability to maintain the skill.
Alongside SUMMATIVE assessment, teachers continuously carry out FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT which includes a cycle of assess, evaluate, plan, do and review process.
If parents would like any more information, please contact Mrs Sue Morris, Head of Provision.