April 20th 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
It has been wonderful to welcome the children back to school this week, and to see them return smoothly into their school routines.
In my newsletter prior to Easter, I told you all that we have been working closely with North Northamptonshire Council to find solutions to the problem of capacity for children to join our school. Over many years the school roll has been growing – to put this in perspective, in 2006 there were 58 children on roll, in 2015 there were 130 on roll and there are now 230!
We opened Rowan Gate East in 2015, to increase our capacity by 56, and again in 2020 we opened a class at Tennyson Rd Infant School to increase capacity. There are now 3 classes at Tennyson Rd.
Since September 2022, we have worked with the Council to establish an outreach support service to mainstream schools. This service has been built on the model that we had already developed and had been working. Our aim is to strengthen the knowledge and skills of mainstream schools to meet the needs of pupils with Special Needs.
Due to the pressure on places, the school in Wellingborough, which was originally built for 90 children, currently places 140 children. Many of the classrooms in Wellingborough are too small, as the class sizes have grown. The building is not able to be adapted quickly. There are plans for four new rooms to be built on the field at the bottom of the site in Wellingborough, but this will not allow us to increase capacity as it will be a permanent build to replace the current mobile classrooms.
The Council have been concerned about this, and have worked with us to find solutions, especially for September 2023, when the number on roll will increase to 264.
I am writing to you today, to share with you our plans for the management of this increase and change for the pupils based in Wellingborough.
From September 2023, we will be opening some classes at the new school in Wellingborough – Stanton Cross Primary School. The new mainstream school is opening gradually, and in September will have children in Reception and Year 1 only on their roll. The academy trust, NPAT has been very welcoming, and we have worked with the Executive Headteacher, Mr Darren Smith very well in the past.
We have been asked to make provision for our pupils in the remaining space at Stanton Cross and will be moving 5 classes to this site in September 2023. This is a great opportunity for our children to be able to learn in a purpose built, new school. The building is fully accessible, and has changing facilities as well as easily accessible toilets. It is less than a five minute drive from the Wellingborough site.
At this stage, I cannot confirm which children will be moving to the new site, but can confirm that they will be children currently in Years 3 – 6. Most of the children will move from the Wellingborough site, and some from the Rowan Gate East site. The available space at Stanton Cross is not suitable for very young children.
I recognise that for many of you, this letter will cause some anxiety, and I apologise if this is the case. The letter is the first step in working with you to make this change happen smoothly.
I would like to invite any of you who have questions to come and meet the Leadership Team on Thursday 27th April at 4.30pm at Rowan Gate Primary School in Wellingborough. I am happy to answer any questions you may have, as honestly as I can.
Please be assured that we have made changes such as this very successfully in the past, and that all leaders involved in this project are the same – we have a vast knowledge of children’s Special Needs as well as experience in managing new projects and developments.
We will do all we can to ensure that all children benefit from this move. Children who remain on the site in Wellingborough will be able to enjoy a bit more space, and children who move will benefit from the new, larger environment as well.
I attach a diagram, which shows the structure of the school from September 2023, and look forward to meeting you next week.
Best Wishes,
Laura Clarke