Our Governing Body is made up of Parent Governors, a Staff Governor, a Local Authority Governor and Co-opted governors.
Governor Pen Portraits can be found in the sidebar.
The role of governors and governing bodies is to help the school provide the best possible education for their pupils by
- Setting the school’s values, vision and strategic aims, agreeing plans and policies, and making creative use of resources;
- Monitoring and evaluating performance, acting as a critical friend to the Headteacher to support and challenge them in managing the school;
- Ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, to those who fund and maintain it, as well as to the staff it employs.
Governors serve a four year term. Parent and Staff governors are elected and LA and Co-opted Governors are recommended and approved by the Governing Body.
The Governing body has sub-committees – Finance & Personnel, Premises, Health & Safety and Teaching & Learning.
The committees meet termly and feedback and make recommendations that are ratified by the Full Governing Body.
We expect our governors to undertake training that will enable them to carry out their role more effectively.
Governors need to have a knowledge of how the school works because they make decisions which affect the education of the children in their care. Governors visit the school and take part in lessons to gain an understanding of how subjects are taught to pupils of differing ages and abilities.
A working party of Governors worked collectively to submit evidence towards the Governormark Award which was awarded in July 2015.
Ofsted Inspection 26 March 2019
- Governance is very strong.
- The Chair of Governors knows the school in detail.
- Governors consistently support and challenge leaders. They have a very accurate knowledge of the school’s strengths. They provide a wide range of skills and experience and have significant specialist knowledge of leadership, finance and special educational needs and/or disabilities. They receive regular detailed reports on school developments, finance, pupils’ achievement and the quality of teaching. They promote the work of the school in the local community and beyond, in Europe, as key participants in the Erasmus project. They have the skills and capacity to provide further outstanding developments for the school.
Governors can be contactable via the school office - ask for Mrs Fuller, Clerk of Governors